onway Logoonway.ch

Christian Marck

Software Engineer

Christian Marck

Software Engineer
Christian Marck

    Christian Marck

      onway: along with onway – how long have you been on board?

      Christian Marck: I have been with onway since May 2014.

      What tasks does your role include?

      As a Software Engineer, I maintain existing software and actively help design new products.

      What do you particularly enjoy about your job?

      I appreciate the fact that we are constantly developing our existing products to adapt them to our clients’ wishes and needs.

      Which technologies and topics do you come across in your job?

      I use Java and sometimes Python for testing back-end software. The front-end is programmed with TypeScript and designed with SCSS. I use PostgreSQL and Apache Kafka for data storage.

      What professional expertise are you bringing to the table?

      The experience I have gained over the last 15 years as a software developer at various companies is something I am happy to share. But I believe we never stop learning, so I enjoy learning new things every day.

      It’s a good day to have a good day.
      Christian Marck
      Christian MarckSoftware Engineer, onway ag

      onway: What are your plans for the future, what do you definitely want to achieve with onway?

      Christian Marck: I am happy to be involved in extending the product range and I am looking forward to making the onway routers configurable for a whole fleet of vehicles, so that all users’ devices and data are visible across system boundaries, as an example.

      Why onway? To me, working at onway means …

      … enjoying product development and teamwork. With onway, I am not merely a number, but I can also have my say. Since the software – which I helped to develop – is also operated by onway, distances are short. This allows us to react quickly as needed and to communicate simply.

      Any final words?

      «It’s a good day to have a good day.»

      Interview held in July 2022.