onway Logoonway.ch

Modern vehicle architecture

Simple networking and management of all on-board systems in public transport


Modern vehicle architecture


In many public transport vehicles today, different, independent IT systems are used for various functions. For example, separate computers, routers, modems, SIM cards and antennas are in operation for the on-board computer, screens, passenger counting, video surveillance cameras, passenger Wi-Fi and other applications. This results in a great deal of effort and high costs. When an update is due, for example, many devices must be replaced and the systems maintained individually.


The solution is modern ICT architecture. This enables software and hardware to be maintained separately and therefore independently of each other. Old and new devices can be operated simultaneously. All systems on board are operated via centrally controlled software. The applications are fast and secure, and the infrastructure is managed automatically. In addition to the vehicles, stops, stations, stands and depots are also networked.

Stability and security

The common problem of dead spots in local mobile phone networks can be avoided by making several simultaneous mobile phone connections accessible. This enables a stable network connection without interruptions. In addition, passenger connections are separated from those relevant to operations. Passengers can also be provided with stable Wi-Fi access.

Why onway?

onway consistently applies virtualisation. This means that hardware, software, storage and network components are made available virtually and can therefore be accessed and used by different users. In this way, we provide stable and secure operation of applications and network functions. This gives you a mobile data centre that is monitored and managed centrally from the cloud.

Our approach

We support you throughout the entire process with our many years of expertise. If you choose onway for your transformation, we will analyse and optimise your mobile and location-based ICT landscapes. We create a plan to modernise existing infrastructure, develop a modern ICT vehicle architecture based on this and finally offer you support during implementation.

Download: Whitepaper modern ICT architectures

You can download the white paper on modern ICT architectures here:

    Are you interested in modern vehicle architecture?

    We analyse and optimise your mobile and location-based ICT landscapes.