onway Logoonway.ch


Detailed network access control and monitoring in one.


    The variety of network-compatible devices and the associated administrative effort are increasing rapidly. There is often a need to securely connect various devices to the network, such as printers managed by Printing Services, medical devices or employees' private smartphones. Providing secure access for each device as required is a major challenge for network managers.

    Secure access for every device

    macman is a RADIUS server with which you can automatically assign all devices to the correct network segment (VLAN). This can be done by MAC address, username/password or pre-shared key. In conjunction with the onway director, you can also easily track every connection and see immediately who is responsible for the individual account. Thanks to the sophisticated multi-client capability, you can easily delegate the management of accounts to the relevant target group.

    This Service Runs in the Cloud or on Your Own Infrastructure

    Let run all onway products by us: We take care of maintenance, patch security holes and ensure continuous availability. And you? You can just relax.

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