Travelling and yet feeling at home
“Our travellers should experience a unique feel-good atmosphere in our luxury coach and not miss out on the comfort they are used to. This also includes the exclusive and all times available public Wi-Fi – in Switzerland and abroad,” says Marco Gössi, Owner and Managing Director at Gössi Carreisen AG.
Travelling and yet feeling at home
In addition to the high level of comfort for passengers of Gössi First Class luxury coach, the integrated communication system realised by onway offers far greater added value for the operator: via the central fleet management system onway director, Gössi Carreisen can centrally monitor the built-in vehicle router on2800, observe the status and location of the vehicles, manage SIM cards, evaluate signal strength data, view statistics, etc.
The integrated communication system from onway helps us to fulfil our high quality standards.
Thanks to the improved connection capacities, Gössi is now also able to provide passengers with an extended range of entertainment during their journey. In particular, the streaming of films, series and other multimedia content has been significantly enhanced thanks to the stabilised and powerful Internet connection. This not only makes the journey more enjoyable, but also offers added value that enriches the guests’ travel experience.
Maximum data security and privacy
Des Weiteren setzt onway bei der Bereitstellung von Public-WLAN auf die strikte Einhaltung der Sicherheitsvorschriften, um Nutzern höchstmögliche Datensicherheit und Privatsphäre zu garantieren. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Verschlüsselungstechnologien, Content-Filter, Firewalls und Sicherheitsmassnahmen geniessen die Passagiere während der Reise einen guten Schutz vor Cyber-Kriminalität.
Marco Gössi ist überzeugt: «Das integrierte Kommunikationssystem von onway unterstützt uns dabei, unserem hohen Qualitätsanspruch gerecht zu werden. Wir möchten unsere Fahrzeugflotte immer nach modernstem Standard ausstatten und unseren Gästen ein einzigartiges, positives Reiseerlebnis bescheren
Furthermore, onway strictly adheres to security regulations when providing public Wi-Fi in order to guarantee users the highest possible level of data security and privacy. By using advanced encryption technologies, content filters, firewalls and security measures, passengers enjoy good protection against cybercrime while travelling.
Marco Gössi is convinced: “The integrated communication system from onway helps us to fulfil our high quality standards. We always want to equip our vehicle fleet to the latest standards and provide our guests with a unique, positive travel experience.”